INSPIRE Potentials - Quantum Center Master Award for Laura, our master student!
Congrats to Laura, our new master student, for the INSPIRE award! You can read the following article by clicking on this news.
IQCLSW 2022 brought back the QCL community together!
The 10th edition of IQCLSW happened this year in Zürich and Monte Verità and was hosted by our group. 6 days of extremely interesting talks, keynotes and tutorials thanks to the participants. Click here to see more!
Kangaroo goes Science!
The lab participated at the Kangaroo goes Science earlier this year in June and presented its most exciting research! You can find the corresponding article here!
New Research article in Nature Communication published!
Kudos to Shima and our colleagues whose work on ultrastrongly coupled single terahertz meta-atom was just published on Nature Communication. More details by clicking on this news!
ECOC Submission deadline is 10th of May!
You will find also the workshop on frequency combs by Prof. Scalari on Sunday 18 September that starts at 9:00.